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What is a Gaited Horse?

What is a Gaited Horse

Ever heard of a horse with moves smoother than your favorite dance partner? That’s a gaited horse for you. 

These horses have a knack for unique gaits, making every ride a breeze. Unlike regular horses, gaited horses have a special rhythm, like gliding in the air. 

They’re the equestrian world’s best-kept secret for a comfortable and stylish ride. Ready to dive into the world of these fancy footworkers? 

Let’s explore what makes a gaited horse the perfect companion for any rider.

What is a Gaited Horse?

A naturally gaited horse is one born with a unique way of moving. 

Unlike regular horses that walk, trot and canter, these horses have extra smooth gaits built in from birth. They don’t need special training to glide along; it’s all in their genes. 

Think of it as a horse with a natural swagger, making your rides as smooth as silk. So, if you’re looking for a horse that gives you a comfy, stylish ride right out of the gate, a naturally gaited horse is the one for you.

What Does Gaited Mean in Horses?

When we say a horse is “gaited,” it means it has a special way of moving. Instead of the usual walk, trot, and canter, gaited horses have unique, smooth gaits that make riding more comfortable.

These gaits, like the running walk, rack, and tölt, allow the horse to glide with less bounce and jarring motion.

Their unique steps make the ride easy and pleasant, without the usual bumps. So, when a horse is gaited, it’s all about that extra bit of comfort and style in every step.

What Does Gaited Mean in Horses?

Gaited Horse History

Gaited horses have a rich history that goes way back. These smooth movers have been around for centuries, prized by royalty and common folk alike. 

Imagine knights and nobles riding into battle or parades on these comfy steeds. They were the luxury cars of the horse world, offering a smooth ride over long distances. 

In the American South, gaited horses were popular on plantations because they made hours of riding easy on the body. 

Today, their legacy lives on as they continue to be loved for their unique, smooth gaits and gentle nature.

Characteristics of a Gaited Horse

Gaited horses are a unique and fascinating breed. Let’s dive into their key characteristics and discover what makes these horses special.


Gaited horses often have a distinctive build. They have a strong, well-muscled body with a slightly longer back. 

Their legs are straight and sturdy, which helps with their smooth gaits. Their necks are usually arched, giving them a graceful appearance.


Gaited horses come in all colors. You’ll find them in solid colors like black, brown, chestnut, and gray. 

Some might have unique patterns like pinto or roan. There’s no specific color tied to being gaited, so there’s a lot of variety.


Gaited horses are gentle and friendly. They’re usually calm and easy to handle, making them great for riders of all levels. 

Their sweet disposition makes them popular for trail riding and pleasure riding.


Gaited horses excel in various disciplines. They’re fantastic for trail riding due to their comfortable gaits. 

Many are also used in show rings, where their unique gaits are highlighted. You’ll see them in endurance riding, pleasure riding, and even some Western events. 

Their versatility and smooth ride make them a favorite in many riding circles.

How to Recognize a Gaited Horse

Recognizing a gaited horse is pretty straightforward once you know what to look for. 

First, watch how they move. A gaited horse has smooth, flowing gaits that look almost like they’re gliding. There’s less bounce, making the ride much comfier. 

Look at their build, too. They often have a strong, well-muscled body and a slightly longer back. Their neck is usually arched, giving them a graceful stance. 

When you ride one, you’ll notice the difference right away. It feels like you’re floating rather than bouncing. 

So, smooth movements and a comfy ride are your big clues.

How to Recognize a Gaited Horse

Common Gaited Horse Breeds

Gaited horses come in various breeds, each with its unique charm and gait. Let’s explore the most common gaited horse breeds and what makes each special.

Tennessee Walking Horse

The Tennessee Walking Horse is known for its smooth “running walk.” 

This breed originated in the southern United States and is popular for its gentle disposition and comfortable ride, making it a favorite for trail riding and shows.

Missouri Fox Trotter

The Missouri Fox Trotter performs a unique ” fox trot gait.” This breed is prized for its sure-footedness and stamina, making it an excellent choice for long trail rides and ranch work.

Icelandic Horse

The Icelandic Horse is famous for its “tölt,” a smooth four-beat gait. 

This hardy breed from Iceland is small but strong. It has a friendly temperament and can comfortably carry adults over rough terrain.

Paso Fino

The Paso Fino, originating from Latin America, is renowned for its smooth, rhythmic gait called the “paso fino.” 

This breed is highly versatile, excelling in both show rings and on trails, and is known for its grace and elegance.

Peruvian Paso

The Peruvian Paso is known for its “termino,” a graceful outward swinging of the forelegs. 

It offers a smooth ride and is celebrated for its endurance and smooth gait, making it ideal for long-distance riding.

American Saddlebred

The American Saddlebred is often seen in show rings performing the “slow gait” and “rack.” This breed has a high-stepping action and versatility, excelling in various disciplines, including driving and riding.

Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse

The Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse is known for its smooth, four-beat “single-foot” gait. 

This breed is calm and friendly, making it a popular choice for families and trail riders.

Rocky Mountain Horse

The Rocky Mountain Horse features a smooth, natural gait known as the “single-foot” or “rack.” Originating in the Appalachian Mountains, this breed is known for its sure-footedness, endurance, and gentle temperament.

Spotted Saddle Horse

The Spotted Saddle Horse is a visually striking breed with pinto coloring and a smooth gait. 

This versatile breed excels in show rings and on trails. It is known for its friendly nature and comfortable ride.

Racking Horse

The Racking Horse performs a smooth, lateral gait called the “rack.” This breed is celebrated for its smoothness and speed, making it a favorite for pleasure riding and showing. 

Known for its calm demeanor, the Racking Horse is easy to handle and ride.

Why Choose a Gaited Horse?

Choosing a gaited horse is like opting for a luxury ride. These horses offer an incredibly smooth and comfortable experience, perfect for long trail rides or leisurely strolls. 

You’ll feel less bounce and more glide, making every ride a pleasure. Gaited horses are also known for their friendly and calm nature, making them great companions for riders of all levels. 

They’re versatile, excelling in various disciplines from trail riding to showing. If you want a horse that’s easy on your body and a joy to ride, a gaited horse is the way to go.

Benefits of Riding a Gaited Horse

1. Smooth ride

Gaited horses offer a smooth, comfortable ride due to their unique gaits. This reduces the jarring impact often felt when riding non-gaited horses, making it easier on your back and joints.

2. Less fatigue

Because of their smooth movements, riding a gaited horse causes less fatigue. You can enjoy longer rides without feeling as tired, which is perfect for trail riding or long-distance travel.

3. Versatility

Gaited horses excel in various disciplines, from trail riding to competitive showing. Their unique gaits are often showcased in shows but are also reliable and enjoyable for casual rides.

4. Gentle temperament

Gaited horses are known for their calm and friendly nature. They are generally easy to handle, making them suitable for riders of all levels, including beginners and children.

5. Better balance

The smooth gaits of these horses can help riders maintain better balance. This can be especially beneficial for those new to riding or those with physical limitations.

6. Enjoyable for all ages

Because of their smooth ride and gentle temperament, gaited horses are enjoyable for riders of all ages. They provide a safer and more comfortable experience for older riders and young children alike.

7. Health benefits

Riding gaited horses can be a great form of low-impact exercise. It helps improve core strength, balance, and coordination without the harsh impact on the body from riding non-gaited horses.

8. Elegant appearance

Gaited horses often have a graceful and elegant appearance. Their unique gaits and stylish movements make them a joy to watch and ride, adding an extra beauty to your equestrian activities.

Benefits of Riding a Gaited Horse

Are Gaited Horses Safe?

Yes, gaited horses are safe. Their smooth gaits make riding them comfortable and less jarring, which is easier on your body. 

They’re known for their calm and friendly nature, making them great for riders of all levels, including beginners and kids. Their steady, sure-footed movements can help you feel more secure in the saddle. 

So, if you’re looking for an enjoyable and safe horse, a gaited horse is a solid choice.

How to Train Gaited Horses

Training gaited horses is all about patience and understanding their natural movements. 

Start with basic groundwork to build trust and respect. Use gentle, consistent cues to encourage their natural gaits. 

Riding with a relaxed, balanced seat helps them stay comfortable and responsive. When they perform well, reward them with praise and treats. (Read this article to find some horse treats you can make at home.) 

Consistency is key—practice regularly but keep sessions short to avoid fatigue. Be patient and gentle; gaited horses respond best to a calm, positive approach. 

With time and practice, you’ll help them perfect their smooth, comfortable gaits.

The Special Gaits

Gaited horses have unique, smooth gaits like the pace and various ambling gaits, offering a comfortable and stylish ride.


The pace is a two-beat lateral gait where the horse moves its legs on the same side of its body together. Imagine the horse lifting both its left legs simultaneously and its right legs. 

This creates a swaying motion, which can be very smooth and fast. Pacers can cover ground quickly, making this gait popular in harness racing.

Ambling gaits

Ambling gaits are a group of four-beat gaits smoother than a trot. Here are a few types:

Rack: A fast, flashy gait where each foot hits the ground separately. It’s smooth and comfortable, often seen in show horses.

Running walk: Unique to the Tennessee Walking Horse, this gait is faster than a regular walk but still very smooth. The horse glides forward with minimal bounce, making long rides easy on the rider.

Fox trot: The horse walks with its front legs and trots with its back legs. This creates a smooth, shuffling motion that’s easy to sit.

Tölt: Common in Icelandic horses, this gait is smooth and fast, with one foot always touching the ground. It feels like flying without the bounce.

Genetic Diseases of Gaited Horses

Gaited horses, like any breed, can have genetic diseases. 

One common issue is “Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy” (EPSM), which affects muscle function. Another is “Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia” (HERDA), which causes skin problems. 

“Malignant Hyperthermia” is a condition that can cause severe reactions to anesthesia. Always check a horse’s health history and consider genetic testing to ensure they’re healthy and fit for riding.

Other Health Problems of Gaited Horses

Gaited horses can face various health issues. They may develop hoof problems like laminitis due to their unique gaits and frequent riding. 

Joint issues, such as arthritis, can also occur, especially in older horses. They might suffer from back pain if not ridden properly or if their tack doesn’t fit well. 

Respiratory issues like heaves can be problematic, especially if pets are kept in dusty environments. Regular vet check-ups, proper nutrition, and good care can help prevent these health problems.

How to Care for Gaited Horses

Caring for gaited horses involves special attention to keep them happy and healthy. Here’s a simple guide:

Regular exercise: Keep them active with regular riding to maintain their unique gaits and overall fitness. But don’t overdo it; balance is key.

Proper hoof care: Regular hoof trims are crucial. Their unique gaits can stress their hooves differently, so a good farrier is essential.

Balanced diet: Feed them a balanced diet with plenty of forage. Supplements might be needed, especially if they’re working hard.

Comfortable tack: Ensure your saddle and bridle fit well to prevent back and mouth problems. Gaited horses can be sensitive to poorly fitting tack.

Regular vet check-ups: Schedule regular veterinary visits to catch any health issues early. Pay special attention to common problems like joint and back issues.

Clean living environment: Keep their living area clean and free from dust to avoid respiratory problems.

Gentle training: Use gentle and consistent training methods to keep them mentally and physically healthy.

Gaited Horses Nutrition Program

Nutrient categoryRecommended feedQuantity per dayPurpose
ForageQuality Hay (Timothy, Alfalfa)1.5-2% of body weightProvides fiber and basic nutrients
GrainsOats, Barley, Corn4-6 pounds
Supplies energy for active horses
ProteinSoybean Meal, Alfalfa Pellets0.5-1 poundSupports muscle development and repair
Vitamins/mineralsCommercial SupplementsFollow product instructions
Ensures balanced nutrition
FatsFlaxseed, Vegetable Oil
1-2 cups
Enhances coat condition and energy
Electrolyte MixAs needed, especially in summer
Maintains hydration and muscle function
FreshwaterClean, Fresh WaterUnlimitedEssential for overall health

Are Gaited Horses Restricted in Movement?

No, gaited horses are not restricted in movement. They are known for their unique and smooth gaits, which provide a comfortable ride. 

These gaits allow them to cover ground efficiently and with less impact on the rider and themselves. Gaited horses can perform various natural and fluid gaits, such as the running walk, rack, and tölt. 

They are versatile and can participate in many activities, from trail riding to showing, without any limitations on their movement.

Do Gaited Horses Need Special Saddles?

Yes, gaited horses often benefit from special saddles. These saddles are designed to accommodate their unique movements and comfort the horse and rider. 

A gaited horse saddle has a shorter, more flexible tree, allowing for better freedom of movement in the horse’s shoulders and back. It also has a wider gullet to prevent pinching and to accommodate the horse’s spine. 

A properly fitted saddle helps maintain the horse’s natural gait, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride.

So, What is a Naturally Gaited Horse? Conclusion

In conclusion, gaited horses are a special kind known for their smooth, unique gaits. They offer a comfortable and stylish ride, perfect for riders of all levels. 

They’re easy to handle, friendly, and versatile in many disciplines. With their natural ability to glide effortlessly, gaited horses provide an unmatched riding experience. 

A gaited horse is the perfect choice if you want one that combines comfort, elegance, and a gentle temperament.

Picture of Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq, a seasoned veterinarian with a DVM from ARID University and an MPhil in Animal Nutrition from UVAS, specializes in equine health. His deep passion for horse nutrition and well-being drives his work, offering invaluable advice for horse owners. Dr. Tariq's expertise ensures horses lead vibrant, healthy lives.
You can read my full bio here

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What is a Gaited Horse?