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War Horse Names

War Horse Names

Picture this: you’re on a battlefield, dust swirling around, the sound of clashing swords in your ears. Who’s charging beside you? Your trusty war horse, of course. 

But wait, what’s their name? War horses aren’t just any horses; they’re legends. Names like Bucephalus and Marengo aren’t just cool—they carry tales of bravery and adventure. 

In this blog, we dive into the world of war horse names. We’ll explore the stories behind these names, the legends they carry, and why naming a war horse is no small feat. 

Ready to saddle up and ride through history? Let’s get started!

History of War Horse Names

War horses have been around for ages. They’ve galloped through battles, carried heroes, and changed the course of history. 

Naming these horses wasn’t just about picking something catchy. It was a way to honor their strength and courage.

Take Bucephalus, for example. Alexander the Great’s horse was named for its fierce nature. Then there’s Marengo, Napoleon’s steed, named after a famous battle. 

These names weren’t random. They were chosen to reflect the horse’s spirit and the times they lived in.

In every era, a war horse’s name carried weight. It was a badge of honor, a mark of bravery. 

These names weren’t just for the battlefield. They echoed through history, reminding us of the bond between a warrior and their horse.

Most Famous Horses in Warfare

Let’s talk about some of the most famous horses in warfare. These legends on four legs have left their hoofprints all over history.

First up, Bucephalus. This was Alexander the Great’s horse, known for his incredible bravery. He wasn’t just a horse but a symbol of Alexander’s strength and ambition.

Next, Marengo. This grey stallion carried Napoleon Bonaparte through countless battles. Named after the Battle of Marengo, this horse symbolized Napoleon’s military genius.

Then there’s Copenhagen. The Duke of Wellington rode this horse during the Battle of Waterloo. Copenhagen was known for his stamina and toughness, much like the Duke.

And who can forget Comanche? This horse survived the Battle of Little Bighorn, the only living thing left. He became a living legend, a symbol of survival and resilience.

These horses weren’t just animals but warriors, partners, and symbols of their riders’ legacies. Their names live on, reminding us of the power and bravery of these incredible steeds.

Female War Horse Names

1. Athena – Named after the Greek goddess of war and wisdom.

2. Bellona – Inspired by the Roman goddess of war.

3. Valka – Derived from Old Norse, meaning “battle.”

4. Andromeda – Named after the mythical princess and warrior.

5. Freya – Norse goddess associated with love and war.

6. Xena – Inspired by the warrior princess from popular culture.

7. Boudica – Named after the ancient British queen who led a rebellion against Rome.

8. Artemis – Greek goddess of the hunt and protector of young women.

9. Morrigan – Celtic goddess of war and fate.

10. Epona – Celtic goddess of horses and protector of warriors.

Male War Horse Names

11. Ares – Named after the Greek god of war.

12. Goliath – Symbolizing great strength and power.

13. Spartacus – Inspired by the legendary gladiator and leader.

14. Hannibal – Named after the famous Carthaginian general.

15. Zeus – King of the gods in Greek mythology, often associated with power.

16. Leonidas – Inspired by the Spartan king known for his bravery.

17. Achilles – Famous Greek warrior known for his strength.

18. Maximus – Inspired by the Roman general from popular culture.

19. Hercules – Named after the legendary Greek hero known for his strength.

20. Thor – Norse god of thunder, associated with power and protection.

War Horse Popular Names

21. Shadowfax – Inspired by Gandalf’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings.”

22. Silver – The Lone Ranger’s faithful steed.

23. Rocinante – Don Quixote’s loyal horse.

24. Trigger – Roy Rogers’ famous palomino.

25. Fury – From the 1950s TV series “Fury.”

26. Black Beauty – From the famous novel by Anna Sewell.

27. Seabiscuit – Famous racehorse known for his underdog story.

28. Tornado – Zorro’s trusty horse.

29. Scout – Tonto’s horse from “The Lone Ranger.”

30. Buck – From “Call of the Wild.”

War Horse Fierce Names

31. Blaze – Symbolizing speed and intensity.

32. Razor – Sharp and dangerous.

33. Fury – Intense and fierce.

34. Savage – Untamed and fierce.

35. Inferno – Representing destructive power.

36. Thunder – Powerful and commanding.

37. Reaper – Symbolizing death and destruction.

38. Storm – Powerful and uncontrollable.

39. Viper – Quick and deadly.

40. Titan – Immense strength and power.

War Horse Names Inspired by Locations

41. Sparta – Inspired by the ancient warrior society.

42. Trojan – Named after the ancient city of Troy.

43. Carthage – Ancient city known for its military history.

44. Avalon – Mythical island from Arthurian legend.

45. Olympus – Home of the Greek gods.

46. Helvetia – Ancient name for Switzerland.

47. Amazon – Inspired by the legendary warrior women.

48. Samarkand – Ancient city on the Silk Road.

49. Babylon – Famous ancient city.

50. Jericho – One of the oldest inhabited cities.

War Horse Unique Names

51. Zephyr – Gentle breeze, yet strong.

52. Nyx – Greek goddess of the night.

53. Orion – Named after the constellation.

54. Rune – Mysterious and ancient.

55. Lyra – Inspired by the constellation.

56. Eclipse – Unique and rare occurrence.

57. Solstice – Representing change and cycles.

58. Nebula – Star-forming region in space.

59. Phoenix – Mythical bird symbolizing rebirth.

60. Echo – Greek nymph and a repeating sound.

War Horse Names Inspired by Nature

61. Blizzard – Powerful winter storm.

62. Tempest – Violent storm.

63. River – Strong and steady flow.

64. Canyon – Deep and majestic.

65. Forest – Dense and mysterious.

66. Mesa – Flat-topped elevation.

67. Breeze – Gentle yet persistent.

68. Lightning – Quick and powerful.

69. Sierra – Mountain range.

70. Tsunami – Large and powerful wave.

Badass War Horse Names

71. Destroyer – Powerful and unstoppable.

72. Juggernaut – Massive and overwhelming force.

73. Blade – Sharp and cutting.

74. Havoc – Widespread destruction.

75. Warlord – Leader in battle.

76. Onyx – Dark and mysterious.

77. Doom – Impending fate.

78. Rampage – Violent and uncontrolled.

79. Venom – Poisonous and dangerous.

80. Chaos – Complete disorder and confusion.

Related read: Badass Horse Names

Civil War Horse Names

81. Traveller – General Robert E. Lee’s famous horse.

82. Cincinnati – General Ulysses S. Grant’s favorite horse.

83. Highfly – General Stonewall Jackson’s horse.

84. Lexington – A famous racehorse used during the Civil War.

85. Little Sorrel – General Stonewall Jackson’s beloved horse.

86. Winchester – General Philip Sheridan’s war horse.

87. Old Baldy – General George Meade’s horse.

88. Blackjack – General John A. Logan’s horse.

89. Claybank – General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s horse.

90. Rienzi – Another name for General Philip Sheridan’s horse, Winchester.

Cool War Horse Names

91. Starlight – Bright and guiding.

92. Shadow – Mysterious and elusive.

93. Vortex – Whirling force.

94. Blaze – Bright and fierce.

95. Echo – Repeating and enduring.

96. Nitro – Explosive and fast.

97. Specter – Ghostly and haunting.

98. Matrix – Complex and intriguing.

99. Quantum – Fundamental and powerful.

100. Nova – A star showing a sudden burst of brightness.

Darksiders War Horse Names

101. Abyss – Deep, dark, and mysterious.

102. Hades – Greek god of the underworld.

103. Oblivion – State of being unaware or unconscious.

104. Shadow – Dark and elusive.

105. Nightmare – Frightening and dark.

106. Vesper – Evening star, associated with darkness.

107. Nocturne – Inspired by the night.

108. Grim – Harsh and forbidding.

109. Raven – Black bird often associated with omens.

110. Wraith – Ghostly and dark figure.

Good War Horse Names

111. Valor – Great courage in the face of danger.

112. Noble – Having high moral principles.

113. Hope – A feeling of expectation and desire.

114. Courage – The ability to do something that frightens.

115. Justice – Just behavior or treatment.

116. Faith – Complete trust or confidence.

117. Harmony – Agreement or concord.

118. Charity – Generosity and helpfulness.

119. Hero – A person who is admired for their courage.

120. Honor – High respect or esteem.

Indian War Horse Names

121. Ashva – Sanskrit for horse.

122. Sundar – Meaning beautiful.

123. Rajah – Meaning king.

124. Indra – Named after the king of gods in Hindu mythology.

125. Jaya – Meaning victory.

126. Veer – Meaning brave.

127. Chandra – Meaning moon.

128. Rana – Meaning warrior.

129. Ganga – Named after the sacred river.

130. Arjun – Named after the legendary warrior from Mahabharata.

Viking War Horse Names

131. Odin – Chief god in Norse mythology.

132. Fenrir – Mythical wolf associated with Ragnarok.

133. Thor – Norse god of thunder.

134. Freya – Norse goddess of love and war.

135. Bjorn – Meaning bear.

136. Loki – Trickster god in Norse mythology.

137. Sigrid – Meaning victory and wisdom.

138. Rune – Letters in a set of related alphabets.

139. Gunnar – Meaning warrior.

140. Astrid – Meaning beautiful and loved.

War Horse Black Horse Name

141. Midnight – Deep black and associated with the night.

142. Obsidian – Dark volcanic glass.

143. Raven – Black bird often associated with mystery.

144. Eclipse – When one celestial body moves into the shadow of another.

145. Onyx – Black gemstone.

146. Coal – Black carbon-based rock.

147. Shadow – Dark and elusive.

148. Ink – Dark fluid used for writing or printing.

149. Pitch – Black, tar-like substance.

150. Cinder – Ashes, often dark in color.

Star Wars Horse Names

151. Skywalker – Inspired by Luke Skywalker.

152. Vader – Named after Darth Vader.

153. Leia – Princess Leia.

154. Solo – Named after Han Solo.

155. Yoda – Wise and powerful Jedi master.

156. Rey – Protagonist of the sequel trilogy.

157. Kylo – Named after Kylo Ren.

158. Chewbacca – Han Solo’s loyal Wookiee friend.

159. Hoth – Ice planet from “The Empire Strikes Back.”

160. Endor – Forest moon from “Return of the Jedi.”

Ancient War Horse Names

161. Bucephalus – Alexander the Great’s horse.

162. Marengo – Napoleon Bonaparte’s horse.

163. Incitatus – Caligula’s horse.

164. Pegasus – Mythical winged horse.

165. Copenhagen – Duke of Wellington’s horse.

166. Chetak – Maharana Pratap’s horse.

167. Sleipnir – Odin’s eight-legged horse.

168. Xanthos – Achilles’ horse.

169. Arion – Immortal horse from Greek mythology.

170. Rocinante – Don Quixote’s horse.

Apocalyptic War Horse Names

171. Pestilence – One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

172. Famine – Another of the Four Horsemen.

173. War – Representing conflict and strife.

174. Death – The final Horseman of the Apocalypse.

175. Doom – Impending catastrophe.

176. Plague – Widespread affliction.

177. Chaos – Complete disorder and confusion.

178. Havoc – Widespread destruction.

179. Inferno – Intense fire and destruction.

180. Armageddon – The end of the world.

Celtic War Horse Names

181. Bran – Meaning raven.

182. Epona – Celtic goddess of horses.

183. Aisling – Meaning dream or vision.

184. Cian – Meaning ancient.

185. Lugh – Celtic god of light.

186. Niamh – Meaning brightness.

187. Finn – Meaning fair or white.

188. Deirdre – Meaning sorrowful.

189. Gwydion – Mythical hero and magician.

190. Rhiannon – Mythical queen and horse goddess.

Great Fiction War Horse Names

191. Shadowfax – Gandalf’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings.”

192. Black Beauty – From the novel by Anna Sewell.

193. Artax – Atreyu’s horse in “The NeverEnding Story.”

194. Silver – The Lone Ranger’s horse.

195. Brego – Aragorn’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings.”

196. Binky – Death’s horse in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series.

197. Strider – Named after Aragorn’s alias in “The Lord of the Rings.”

198. Flicka – From the novel “My Friend Flicka.”

199. Gunpowder – Ichabod Crane’s horse in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

200. Joey – The war horse from the novel “War Horse” by Michael Morpurgo.

Greek War Horse Names

201. Bucephalus – Alexander the Great’s horse, known for its strength and loyalty.

202. Xanthos – One of Achilles’ immortal horses.

203. Arion – Immortal horse from Greek mythology.

204. Pegasus – Mythical winged horse.

205. Phobos – Named after the god of fear, son of Ares.

206. Aethon – One of the horses of Helios, the sun god.

207. Alastor – Meaning avenger.

208. Nyx – Named after the goddess of the night.

209. Hippogriff – Mythical creature part horse, part eagle.

210. Asty – Short for Astyanax, meaning “lord of the city.”

Historical War Horse Names

211. Copenhagen – Duke of Wellington’s horse at the Battle of Waterloo.

212. Marengo – Napoleon Bonaparte’s famous horse.

213. Traveller – General Robert E. Lee’s horse during the American Civil War.

214. Chetak – Maharana Pratap’s horse in Indian history.

215. Comanche – The only survivor of Custer’s Last Stand.

216. Incitatus – Emperor Caligula’s horse.

217. Palomo – Simón Bolívar’s loyal horse.

218. Nelson – George Washington’s war horse.

219. Little Sorrel – Stonewall Jackson’s horse.

220. Winchester – General Philip Sheridan’s horse during the American Civil War.

Legendary War Horse Names

221. Sleipnir – Odin’s eight-legged horse from Norse mythology.

222. Rocinante – Don Quixote’s horse.

223. Balius – One of Achilles’ immortal horses.

224. Gringolet – Sir Gawain’s horse from Arthurian legend.

225. Tornado – Zorro’s trusty horse.

226. Artax – Atreyu’s horse from “The NeverEnding Story.”

227. Hippocampus – Mythical sea horse from Greek mythology.

228. Scipio – Named after the Roman general, Scipio Africanus.

229. Dapple – Sancho Panza’s horse from “Don Quixote.”

230. Aithon – One of the horses of Ares, god of war.

Medieval War Horse Names

231. Shadowfax – Gandalf’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings.”

232. Grane – Siegfried’s horse in Norse mythology.

233. Bayard – Magical horse from medieval legends.

234. Rhiannon – Named after the Welsh horse goddess.

235. Brunello – Famous horse from medieval Italian tales.

236. Blaze – Symbolizing speed and intensity.

237. Charger – A term for a medieval war horse.

238. Paladin – Named after the knights of Charlemagne.

239. Dragoon – Mounted infantry of the medieval period.

240. Sabre – Symbolizing the cavalry sword.

Native American War Horse Names

241. Takoda – Meaning “friend to everyone.”

242. Kiona – Meaning “brown hills.”

243. Ahote – Meaning “restless one.”

244. Hania – Meaning “spirit warrior.”

245. Chaska – Meaning “first-born son.”

246. Dakota – Meaning “friend” or “ally.”

247. Kitchi – Meaning “brave.”

248. Mika – Meaning “intelligent raccoon.”

249. Sakima – Meaning “king.”

250. Wakanda – Meaning “possesses magical powers.”

Nordic War Horse Names

251. Sleipnir – Odin’s eight-legged horse.

252. Fenrir – Mythical wolf, fierce and strong.

253. Skadi – Named after the Norse goddess associated with bowhunting, skiing, and winter.

254. Thor – Norse god of thunder.

255. Loki – Trickster god in Norse mythology.

256. Balder – Norse god of beauty and love.

257. Freya – Norse goddess of love and war.

258. Gunnar – Meaning “warrior.”

259. Hugin – One of Odin’s ravens, meaning “thought.”

260. Munin – Odin’s other raven, meaning “memory.”

Revolutionary War Horse Names

261. Nelson – George Washington’s war horse.

262. Blueskin – Another of George Washington’s horses.

263. Liberty – Symbolizing the cause of the Revolution.

264. Patriot – Representing the fight for independence.

265. Concord – After the Battle of Concord.

266. Lexington – Named after the Battle of Lexington.

267. Hancock – After John Hancock, a prominent figure.

268. Franklin – After Benjamin Franklin.

269. Minuteman – Representing the colonial militia.

270. Independence – Symbolizing the new nation.

Roman War Horse Names

212. Caesar – Named after Julius Caesar, Roman general and statesman.

272. Aquila – Meaning “eagle,” symbol of the Roman legions.

273. Maximus – Meaning “greatest.”

274. Legatus – Meaning “legion commander.”

275. Augustus – Named after the first Roman emperor.

276. Centurion – Named after the Roman army officer.

277. Mars – Named after the Roman god of war.

278. Nero – Named after the Roman emperor.

279. Tiberius – Named after the Roman emperor.

280. Scipio – Named after the Roman general, Scipio Africanus.

281. Hannibal – Named after the Carthaginian general who fought Rome.

282. Vulcan – Named after the Roman god of fire and forge.

283. Jupiter – Named after the king of the Roman gods.

284. Praetor – Meaning “magistrate or commander.”

285. Secutor – Named after a type of Roman gladiator.

286. Valerian – Named after the Roman emperor.

287. Imperator – Meaning “commander” or “emperor.”

288. Commodus – Named after the Roman emperor.

289. Titan – Giant figures in Roman mythology.

290. Lucius – Common Roman name meaning “light.”

Scottish War Horse Names

291. Angus – Meaning “one strength.”

292. Bram – Meaning “raven.”

293. Caledonia – Historical name for Scotland.

294. Duncan – Meaning “dark warrior.”

295. Fergus – Meaning “man of force.”

296. Glen – Meaning “valley.”

297. Hamish – Scottish form of James.

298. Iona – Island off the coast of Scotland.

299. Keir – Meaning “dusky” or “dark-haired.”

300. Lennox – Named after a Scottish region.

301. Macbeth – Named after the famous Scottish king.

302. Moray – Named after the historical region.

303. Ross – Named after a Scottish clan and region.

304. Struan – Meaning “stream” or “river.”

305. Tavish – Scottish form of Thomas.

306. Ewan – Meaning “born of the yew tree.”

307. Alba – Gaelic name for Scotland.

308. Murray – Named after the Scottish clan.

309. Niall – Meaning “champion.”

310. Wallace – Named after the famous Scottish hero, William Wallace.

Western War Horse Name

311. Buck – Strong and resilient.

312. Blaze – Fierce and fiery.

313. Cheyenne – Named after the Native American tribe.

314. Dakota – Meaning “friend” or “ally.”

315. Dusty – Rugged and enduring.

316. Ranger – Protector and guide.

317. Scout – Explorer and adventurer.

318. Trigger – Quick and responsive.

319. Whiskey – Bold and strong.

320. Lasso – Symbol of the cowboy.

321. Maverick – Independent and unorthodox.

322. Wrangler – Skilled horse handler.

323. Sundance – Named after the famous outlaw.

324. Bandit – Rogue and daring.

325. Silver – Loyal and dependable.

326. Tumbleweed – Wandering and free-spirited.

327. Outlaw – Rebellious and fearless.

328. Rodeo – Energetic and lively.

329. Bronco – Wild and untamed.

330. Hitch – Named after the term for tying up a horse.

White War Horse Name

331. Blizzard – Fierce and white like a snowstorm.

332. Ivory – Smooth and white like tusks.

333. Snow – Pure and white.

334. Pearl – Precious and white.

335. Ghost – Pale and mysterious.

336. Frost – Cold and white.

337. Cloud – Light and white.

338. Alabaster – Smooth and white stone.

339. Luna – Named after the moon.

340. Arctic – Cold and white.

341. Dove – Symbol of peace and purity.

342. Ice – Cold and clear.

343. Sugar – Sweet and white.

344. Diamond – Precious and clear.

345. Casper – Named after the friendly ghost.

346. Snowflake – Unique and white.

347. Opal – Precious white gemstone.

348. Silk – Smooth and white.

349. Nimbus – Type of cloud.

350. Cotton – Soft and white.

Napoleon War Horse Name

351. Marengo – Napoleon’s famous grey stallion.

352. Vizir – Another of Napoleon’s horses, known for its loyalty.

353. Le Beau – Meaning “the beautiful,” elegant and graceful.

354. Gallant – Brave and spirited.

355. Imperial – Regal and commanding.

356. Charlemagne – Named after the great emperor.

357. Eagle – Symbol of Napoleon’s empire.

358. Conqueror – Victorious and commanding.

359. Corsica – Named after Napoleon’s birthplace.

360. Roi – Meaning “king” in French.

361. Bravura – Displaying great daring or brilliance.

362. Regent – Acting ruler.

363. Majesty – Grand and dignified.

364. Triumph – Victory and success.

365. Valor – Great courage in the face of danger.

366. Sovereign – Supreme ruler.

367. Knight – Honorable and valiant.

368. Courage – The ability to confront fear.

369. Noble – Distinguished by rank or title.

370. General – High-ranking military leader.


So, there you have it—war horse names that pack a punch. These names are more than just words. They carry stories of bravery, strength, and history. 

Whether you’re naming your own horse or just dreaming of epic battles, these names inspire. They remind us of legendary steeds and their fearless riders. 

Remember, a name can make a hero, even if it’s a horse. So, choose wisely and let your imagination run wild. 

Picture of Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq, a seasoned veterinarian with a DVM from ARID University and an MPhil in Animal Nutrition from UVAS, specializes in equine health. His deep passion for horse nutrition and well-being drives his work, offering invaluable advice for horse owners. Dr. Tariq's expertise ensures horses lead vibrant, healthy lives.
You can read my full bio here
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War Horse Names