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Category: Equipment, Feed & Supplies

May 15
Can Horses Eat Blueberries?

Are you looking to spice up your horse’s diet with something sweet and nutritious? Look no further than blueberries. These tiny fruits pack a punch of vitamins and antioxidants that can benefit your horse’s health. But before you start tossing handfuls of berries into their feed, you need to know the do’s and don’ts. In […]

May 14
Can Horses Eat Lettuce?

Have you ever wondered what treats you can safely share with your horse? You need to know which snacks are safe and which could cause harm.  Let’s talk about lettuce, a common item in our own salads. Can horses munch on lettuce, too? You might be surprised by the answer.  In this blog, we’ll dive […]

May 14
Can Horses Eat Celery?

Ever caught yourself munching on celery sticks and wondered if you could share some with your horse? Well, you’re not alone.  Today, we’re diving into the crunchy world of celery to see if it fits our equine friends. We’ll explore the nutritional benefits of celery, how it can fit into a horse’s diet, and whether […]

May 13
Can Horses Eat Squash and Zucchini?

Are you wondering if you can share some of your garden bounty with your horse? You’re in the right place.  Today, we’re diving into a common question among horse owners: Can horses eat squash and zucchini? These veggies are staples in our kitchens, packed with nutrients, and easy to grow.  But does that mean they’re […]

May 13
Can Horses Eat Pumpkins?

As the leaves change and pumpkins pop up on every doorstep, you might wonder if your horse can join the fall festivities. After all, who doesn’t love a good pumpkin? They’re not just for carving or pie-making; maybe your four-legged friend can enjoy them, too. But is it really safe for horses to eat pumpkins? […]

May 10
Can Horses Eat Broccoli?

Ever wondered if horses can munch on broccoli? You’re not alone. It’s a common question among horse owners looking to spice up their horse’s diet.  After all, broccoli is packed with nutrients beneficial to us, but what about our equine friends? This veggie can stir up quite the debate in the stable. Some swear by […]

May 09
Can Horses Eat Cucumber?

Have you ever wondered if horses can munch on cucumbers like we do? Let’s dive into this crunchy query.  Cucumbers are a staple in our salads and snacks, known for their refreshing crunch and hydrating properties. But when it comes to sharing these green treats with our equine friends, should we?  Whether you’re a seasoned […]

May 09
Can Horses Have Oranges

Picture this: you’re enjoying a juicy orange, and your horse looks up, clearly curious about your snack. It’s tempting to share, but can horses have oranges?  Many of us treat our horses like family, sharing our meals and snacks with them. But should we pause and reconsider when it comes to something as simple as […]

May 09
Can Horses Have Bananas?

Have you ever wondered if horses can eat bananas? You’re not alone. Many horse owners are curious about the best treats for their equine friends.  Bananas are a popular snack among humans, known for their sweet taste and nutritional benefits. But when it comes to feeding our hoofed companions, we need to ensure their snacks […]

May 08
Can Horses Have Strawberries?

When you think about treats for horses, apples, and carrots probably come to mind. But what about strawberries?  These juicy red berries are a favorite for many of us. It’s natural to wonder if our equine friends can enjoy them, too. In this post, we’ll dive into whether strawberries are a safe snack for horses.  […]