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Category: Breeding

Mar 25
Most Beautiful Horse in the World

Step into a world where beauty gallops across the horizon, under skies painted with the promise of adventure. Witness horses not just of any kind, but ones whose elegance and grace capture the heart at first sight. This isn’t just about any horse. It’s about those hailed as the most beautiful in the world, with […]

Mar 25
25 Types of Horses With Hairy Feet

Horses with hairy feet possess a unique charm and elegance. In this blog, we’ll explore 25 types of these fascinating breeds. We’ll delve into the history and function behind their distinctive feathering. These features aren’t just for looks. They often signify breeds from cooler climates or those bred for specific tasks. If you appreciate the […]

Mar 22
Buckskin Vs Dun Horse

Did you know that two horse colors often confuse even seasoned equestrians? Buckskin and dun, while similar at a glance, hold distinct differences. With years of experience in horse breeding, I’ve seen many mistake one for the other. Are you one of them? This article will clarify the confusion and detail how to distinguish these […]

Mar 22
11 Worst Horse Breeds for Beginners

Starting your horse journey is exciting, right? But here’s a twist: Picking the wrong horse breed can be a bumpy ride.  Imagine this: you’re all set for fun and adventures. Instead, you face challenges that feel a tad overwhelming.  With a sea of horse breeds out there, how do you pick? This blog is your […]

Mar 07
Breeding Mare: How Do You Breed Horses?

Breeding horses isn’t just an art; it’s a science where every decision can influence generations. With over two decades in the equine breeding industry, my journey has unveiled the intricate dance of genetics, timing, and care essential for success. If you’re navigating the complexities of breeding your mare, this article is your compass. From selecting […]

Feb 09
Miniature Horses Vs Ponies: Differences & Similarities

There’s no better sight than watching your little ones playing ball games with a pony or mini horse. It’s one of the most memorable experiences. The tiny breeds are exceptional companions. They are sweet, caring, and trustworthy. Above all, they’re excited around kids! However, sometimes, we’re so lost in the games that we forget whether […]

Feb 06
13 Best Horses for Beginners 

Believe it or not, not all horses are created equal for beginners. With decades of equestrian experience, I’ve seen firsthand the difference the right horse can make for a novice rider.  Many aspiring equestrians feel overwhelmed by the vast world of horse breeds and temperaments.  This article is your guide to finding the best horses […]

Feb 06
Bronco Vs Mustang Horses: Differences and Similarities 

Few horses are as confusing as the Bronco and Mustang. Both are “wild” breeds famous for their tendency to kick out. Moreover, both are cheap breeds often available for peanuts at rescue centres or for free in the wild.   Even worse, they’re about the same size, with a similar frame and colors. It makes picking […]

Jan 05
Top 27 Most Expensive Horses in the World

Equines are among the most expensive domesticated animals. Even an average one costs $3,000+. Meanwhile, mature mares and stallions cost $5,000+. Interestingly, breeders and horse enthusiasts constantly think about better, more expensive horses. Owning one is a massive privilege. Moreover, superior bloodlines can earn thousands of dollars through breeding and event winnings. This article samples […]