Rain is falling, and your horse is out there, tail swishing and ears flicking. You wonder, should you bring them in or let them be? Horses have lived through rain, sleet, and snow for centuries. Their coats are made to repel water, and they don’t mind a little shower. But when does rain cross the […]
Beet pulp might not sound exciting, but it’s a game-changer for horse owners. It’s not flashy or expensive, but it’s packed with fiber and easy-to-digest energy that horses love. It’s the quiet hero in the feed room—low in sugar, high in nutrients, and gentle on their stomachs. Think of it as the go-to comfort food […]
When a mare is in heat, she doesn’t send you a polite memo. Instead, she gives you a show of signs that can range from subtle to downright bold. It’s like watching a dramatic performance where the lead actress can’t decide if she wants to be friendly or feisty. From tail-raising to sudden mood swings, […]
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