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Mythical Horse Names

Mythical Horse Names

Horses have always been special. Add myth and legend, and they become magical. 

Names like Pegasus and Sleipnir have captured our imaginations for centuries. These mythical horses are powerful and mysterious. 

Whether you’re naming a pet or creating a character, these names bring a sense of wonder. They remind us of epic stories and timeless adventures. 

Let’s explore some of the most enchanting names from folklore and fantasy.

Mythical Horse Names: Key Takeaway

  • Pegasus
  • Xanthus
  • Balius
  • Arion
  • Skyros
  • Phobos
  • Epona
  • Chiron
  • Nyx
  • Styx
  • Helios
  • Selene
  • Aether
  • Astraeus
  • Gaia

The Significance of Horse Names in Mythology

Horse names in mythology carry deep meaning. They’re not just names; they’re symbols of power, speed, and mystery. 

Each name tells a story. Take Pegasus, for example. It’s not just a horse; it’s a symbol of freedom and inspiration. 

In many cultures, horses were seen as messengers between worlds, carrying heroes and gods alike. Their names often reflect their role in these epic tales. 

So when you hear a mythical horse’s name, you’re not just hearing a word—you’re connecting to a rich history of legends and beliefs.

How to Select a Perfect Mythical Horse Name

Choosing the perfect mythical horse name is all about finding the right vibe. Start by thinking about the qualities you want the name to reflect—strength, speed, or mystery. 

Look to mythology for inspiration. Names like Sleipnir bring a sense of power, while Pegasus feels free and untamed. 

You can also mix elements from nature or the stars. Keep it simple but meaningful. 

A good name should roll off the tongue and feel right for the character or story. Trust your instincts, and you’ll find the perfect fit.

How to Select a Perfect Mythical Hrose Name

Horses in Greek Mythology

Greek mythology is full of powerful and majestic horses. Here are some names inspired by these ancient tales.

1. Pegasus – The winged horse of Zeus, symbolizing freedom and inspiration.

2. Xanthus – One of Achilles’ immortal horses, known for its golden color.

3. Balius – Another of Achilles’ immortal horses, known for its incredible speed.

4. Arion – A fast, immortal horse born from the sea god Poseidon.

5. Skyros – Named after the island where Achilles’ horse was born.

6. Phobos – Named after the Greek god of fear, symbolizing a fearsome steed.

7. Epona – A protector of horses, known in Greek and Roman mythology.

8. Chiron – Named after the wise centaur who taught many Greek heroes.

9. Nyx – The goddess of night, representing a dark, mysterious horse.

10. Styx – Named after the river that separates Earth from the underworld.

11. Helios – The sun god, representing a bright, powerful horse.

12. Selene – The moon goddess, symbolizing a graceful, night-loving horse.

13. Aether – The personification of the upper sky, symbolizing a horse of the heavens.

14. Astraeus – God of the dusk, symbolizing a horse that emerges at twilight.

15. Gaia – The Earth goddess, representing a horse of strength and endurance.

Norse Mythology Horse Names

16. Sleipnir – Odin’s eight-legged horse, known for speed and strength.

17. Gullfaxi – A golden-maned horse, owned by the giant Hrungnir.

18. Blóðughófi – The horse of Freyr, known for its blood-red hooves.

19. Hrimfaxi – The horse that pulls the night across the sky, its name means “frost mane.”

20. Skinfaxi – The horse that pulls the day, known for its shining mane.

21. Svaðilfari – The horse that helped build the walls of Asgard, known for its incredible strength.

22. Valraven – Named after the mythical raven of the slain, symbolizing a horse of battle.

23. Fenrir – Named after the giant wolf, symbolizing a wild and fierce horse.

24. Tanngrisnir – One of Thor’s goats, a name symbolizing power and aggression.

25. Huginn – One of Odin’s ravens, symbolizing a wise and perceptive horse.

26. Muninn – The other of Odin’s ravens, representing memory and foresight.

27. Garmr – Named after the hellhound that guards Hel’s gate, symbolizing a fearsome horse.

28. Nidhogg – Named after the dragon that gnaws at the world tree, representing a relentless spirit.

29. Gjallar – Named after Heimdall’s horn, symbolizing a horse of alertness and protection.

30. Ymir – Named after the primordial giant, symbolizing a horse of great size and power

Celtic Mythology Horse Names

31. Énbarr – The sea horse of the god Manannán mac Lir, known for its speed on land and sea.

32. Liath Macha – One of Cúchulainn’s horses, known for its battle prowess.

33. Dubh – Meaning “black” in Gaelic, symbolizing a dark and mysterious horse.

34. Branwen – The name of a goddess, symbolizing beauty and grace.

35. Rhiannon – A Welsh horse goddess, symbolizing magic and sovereignty.

36. Macha – A goddess associated with horses, war, and sovereignty.

37. Dagda – Named after the chief god of the Celts, representing power and authority.

38. Bóand – A goddess of the river Boyne, symbolizing fluidity and grace.

39. Nemain – A goddess of battle, representing a fierce and determined horse.

40. Morrigan – A goddess of war and fate, symbolizing a horse with an unstoppable spirit.

41. Cernunnos – The horned god, symbolizing a wild and untamed horse.

42. Epona – A Celtic horse goddess, also revered in Roman times.

43. Lugh – A god of many skills, symbolizing a horse of great versatility.

44. Aine – A goddess of summer, symbolizing a bright and lively horse.

45. Arawn – The king of the Otherworld, symbolizing a horse with connections to the spirit world.

Fantasy Mythology Horse Names

46. Shadowfax – Gandalf’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings,” known for its incredible speed and intelligence.

47. Rocinante – Don Quixote’s horse, symbolizing loyalty and endurance.

48. Brego – Aragorn’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings,” representing strength and nobility.

49. Artax – Atreyu’s horse in “The NeverEnding Story,” known for its loyalty and bravery.

50. Asfaloth – Glorfindel’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings,” representing swiftness and agility.

51. Morgoth – Named after the dark lord of Middle-earth, symbolizing a horse with a dark and powerful aura.

52. Silver – The Lone Ranger’s horse, symbolizing speed and loyalty.

53. Windfola – Éowyn’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings,” known for its strength and grace.

54. Bucephalus – Alexander the Great’s horse, symbolizing unmatched courage.

55. Arod – Legolas’ horse in “The Lord of the Rings,” representing agility and speed.

56. Strider – Named after Aragorn’s ranger name, symbolizing a horse of stealth and resilience.

57. Nahar – The horse of the god Oromë in “The Silmarillion,” symbolizing a horse of great strength and speed.

58. Glorfindel – Named after the Elven lord, representing wisdom and courage.

59. Gwaihir – Named after the lord of the eagles, symbolizing a horse with a majestic presence.

60. Storm – A name representing a powerful and untamed horse, often associated with fierce weather.

Female Mythical Horse Names

61. Rhiannon – A Welsh horse goddess, symbolizing magic and sovereignty.

62. Étaín – A figure from Irish mythology, symbolizing beauty and transformation.

63. Arianrhod – A Welsh goddess, representing the moon and the stars.

64. Epona – A protector of horses, revered in both Celtic and Roman mythology.

65. Arwen – Inspired by the Elven princess in “The Lord of the Rings,” symbolizing grace and elegance.

66. Sif – Named after the Norse goddess of fertility, symbolizing a strong and nurturing presence.

67. Branwen – A goddess from Welsh mythology, representing beauty and love.

68. Luna – Named after the Roman goddess of the moon, symbolizing a horse with a calm, serene presence.

69. Danu – The mother goddess in Irish mythology, symbolizing fertility and abundance.

70. Freya – The Norse goddess of love, fertility, and battle, symbolizing a strong and passionate horse.

71. Selene – The Greek goddess of the moon, representing a horse of grace and mystery.

72. Athena – The Greek goddess of wisdom and war, symbolizing a horse with intelligence and strength.

73. Aine – The Celtic goddess of summer, symbolizing warmth and light.

74. Isolde – A name from Arthurian legend, symbolizing beauty and tragic love.

75. Morgana – Named after the enchantress in Arthurian legend, representing a horse with a mysterious and powerful aura.

Female Mythical Horse Names

Indian Mythology Horse Names

76. Uchchaihshravas – The seven-headed horse of Indra, king of the gods.

77. Tara – Named after the goddess of compassion and protection.

78. Ashva – A Sanskrit word for “horse,” symbolizing strength and nobility.

79. Hayagriva – The horse-headed avatar of Vishnu, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge.

80. Kalki – The horse that the tenth avatar of Vishnu will ride, symbolizing the end of times.

81. Aranyani – Named after the goddess of the forest, symbolizing a horse connected to nature.

82. Surya – Named after the sun god, representing a horse with radiant energy.

83. Chandni – Meaning “moonlight,” symbolizing a gentle and graceful horse.

84. Manasa – Named after the goddess of snakes, representing a horse with a mysterious aura.

85. Ratri – The goddess of the night, symbolizing a horse with a dark and mysterious presence.

86. Indrani – Named after the queen of the gods, symbolizing a regal and powerful horse.

87. Ganga – Named after the holy river, symbolizing purity and grace.

88. Yashoda – Named after the foster mother of Krishna, symbolizing nurturing and care.

89. Radha – The beloved of Krishna, representing devotion and love.

90. Saraswati – The goddess of knowledge and arts, symbolizing a horse with intelligence and grace.

Male Mythical Horse Names

91. Sleipnir – Odin’s eight-legged horse, known for speed and strength.

92. Pegasus – The winged horse of Zeus, symbolizing freedom and inspiration.

93. Bucephalus – Alexander the Great’s horse, symbolizing unmatched courage.

94. Arion – A fast, immortal horse born from the sea god Poseidon.

95. Xanthus – One of Achilles’ immortal horses, known for its golden color.

96. Balius – Another of Achilles’ immortal horses, known for its incredible speed.

97. Gullfaxi – A golden-maned horse, owned by the giant Hrungnir in Norse mythology.

98. Shadowfax – Gandalf’s horse in “The Lord of the Rings,” known for its incredible speed and intelligence.

99. Nahar – The horse of the god Oromë in “The Silmarillion,” symbolizing great strength and speed.

100. Strider – Named after Aragorn’s ranger name, symbolizing stealth and resilience.

101. Rocinante – Don Quixote’s horse, symbolizing loyalty and endurance.

102. Storm – A name representing a powerful and untamed horse.

103. Fenrir – Named after the giant wolf in Norse mythology, symbolizing a wild and fierce horse.

104. Arod – Legolas’ horse in “The Lord of the Rings,” representing agility and speed.

105. Morgoth – Named after the dark lord of Middle-earth, symbolizing a horse with a dark and powerful aura.

Unique Mythical Horse Names

106. Lir – Named after the sea god in Irish mythology, symbolizing a horse connected to the ocean.

107. Sylph – A name inspired by elemental spirits of the air, symbolizing a light and graceful horse.

108. Sable – Symbolizing a horse with a dark, mysterious presence.

109. Azura – A name symbolizing the color blue, representing a horse with a calm and serene nature.

110. Oberon – Named after the king of the fairies, symbolizing a horse with a regal and magical aura.

111. Frostwind – A name symbolizing a cold, swift horse, reminiscent of a winter breeze.

112. Nocturne – Symbolizing a horse of the night, with a mysterious and shadowy presence.

113. Eclipse – A name representing a horse with a dark, powerful presence, like a solar or lunar eclipse.

114. Starlight – Symbolizing a horse with a bright, sparkling aura, like the stars in the night sky.

115. Thunderhoof – A name symbolizing a horse with a powerful, thunderous presence.

116. Silvermist – Symbolizing a horse with a delicate, mystical aura, like morning mist.

117. Valkyrie – Named after the warrior maidens in Norse mythology, symbolizing a fierce and determined horse.

118. Phoenixfire – A name representing rebirth and transformation, like the mythical Phoenix.

119. Zephyr – Named after the gentle west wind, symbolizing a horse with a calm and breezy nature.

120. Nightshade – A name symbolizing a dark and mysterious horse, with an air of danger.

Nature-Inspired Mythical Horse Names

121. Stormcloud – Symbolizing a horse with a powerful and ominous presence, like a storm.

122. Whisperwind – A name representing a horse with a gentle, breezy nature.

123. Earthsong – Symbolizing a horse deeply connected to the earth and nature.

124. Sunbeam – A name representing a bright and cheerful horse, like a ray of sunshine.

125. Moonshadow – Symbolizing a horse with a mysterious and shadowy presence.

126. Riverstone – A name representing strength and endurance, like a stone in a river.

127. Skylark – Symbolizing a horse with a free and joyful spirit, like the bird.

128. Thorn – A name symbolizing a horse with a tough, resilient nature.

129. Rainfall – Representing a horse with a calm and soothing presence, like gentle rain.

130. Snowdrift – Symbolizing a horse with a pure and graceful presence, like snow.

131. Fernleaf – A name representing a horse with a delicate and natural beauty.

132. Wildewood – Symbolizing a horse connected to the wild, untamed forests.

133. Bramble – A name representing a horse with a tough, resilient nature.

134. Seamist – Symbolizing a horse with a mysterious and ethereal presence, like mist over the sea.

135. Autumn – A name representing a horse with a warm and rich presence, like the fall season.

White Mythical Horse Names

White horses in mythology often symbolize purity, strength, and divinity. Here are white horse names that reflect these qualities.

136. Avalon – Named after the mystical island, symbolizing purity and serenity.

137. Blizzard – Symbolizing a powerful and pure white horse, like a winter storm.

138. Frost – A name representing a pure and cold white horse, like frost on a winter morning.

139. Ivory – Symbolizing a horse with a smooth and pure white coat.

140. Starlight – A name representing a horse with a bright, white aura, like stars in the night sky.

141. Luna – Named after the moon, symbolizing a horse with a soft, glowing white presence.

142. Pearl – A name representing purity and elegance, like a white pearl.

143. Glacier – Symbolizing a horse with a powerful and majestic white presence, like a glacier.

144. Seraphim – Named after the highest order of angels, symbolizing a divine white horse.

145. Snowflake – A name representing a delicate and unique white horse, like a snowflake.

146. Crystal – Symbolizing a horse with a clear and pure white presence.

147. Silverlight – A name representing a horse with a soft, glowing white coat.

148. Cloud – Symbolizing a horse with a light and fluffy white presence, like a cloud in the sky.

149. Dawn – A name representing a horse with a soft, white glow, like the first light of morning.

150. Elysium – Named after the paradise in Greek mythology, symbolizing a pure and heavenly white horse.

Tips on How to Invent a Mythical Horse Name

When inventing a mythical horse name, think about the qualities you want the name to capture. Start with a simple word that reflects your horse’s traits—like strength, speed, or mystery. 

You can mix in elements from nature, like “storm” or “moon.” Try combining words or adding a twist to a familiar name to make it unique. 

Don’t be afraid to get creative; a good name should be easy to say and have a certain rhythm to it. Keep it short and memorable, and you’ll have the perfect mythical horse name.


Mythical horse names carry a certain magic, don’t they? Whether you’re naming a pet, writing a story, or just daydreaming, the right name can spark the imagination. 

From ancient legends to your creative twists, there’s a name out there that’s just waiting to gallop into your world. So, saddle up and let your creativity run wild. 

Remember, the perfect name isn’t just about how it sounds—it’s about the story it tells. Happy naming, and may your mythical horse bring you endless inspiration.

Picture of Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq, a seasoned veterinarian with a DVM from ARID University and an MPhil in Animal Nutrition from UVAS, specializes in equine health. His deep passion for horse nutrition and well-being drives his work, offering invaluable advice for horse owners. Dr. Tariq's expertise ensures horses lead vibrant, healthy lives.
You can read my full bio here

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Mythical Horse Names