Horse's Name
We are considering leasing our registered and show-winner Rocky Mountain if we find an EXPERIENCED rider who'd like to spend 2 or up to 4 days a week working with a young, gentle, 16'2 tall Rocky Mountain, either on trail or arena (or both), mornings.
This is a beautiful 7-year-old gelding trained by Mindy Smith ( and we don't want to change anything in the way he has been trained for he's reliable on trails and most likely will be participating in shows again next year.
Trails are narrow, rocky, shared with bikers, hikers, dogs, etc so experience with this environment is a must. Rocky Mountains are gaited horses, so no cantering and trotting on trails. If you want a reliable, beautiful horse for an easy walk and some occasional gaiting, this is your companion!
Leasing fee is negotiable, depending how on how many days a week. Quality rider who is interested in giving this beautiful guy some fun and TLC is the desired rider we're looking for
He's big, young, gentle, but can display occasional stubbornness to get separated from the other horses if the rider is insecure.
Oakland, CA, EUA