Learn about Mary's cutting-edge Ride With Your Mind approach to instruction and the biomechanics of correct & effective riding. Originally designed for instructors, by popular demand this seminar is now open to all, instructors and students of dressage and other disciplines. Strategies for clear communication and teaching skills are always featured as well as tailoring the program to the needs and interests of those attending. Learn about deep fascial lines and how engaging yours affects the horse's posture and performance.
Every year new ideas and concepts are shared, introducing critical tools for riders and instructors to use on and off-horse that focus on either developing specific rider skills or improving the horse/rider interface. Bring questions, ideas, and problems for this interactive meeting of keen dressage minds! This is really the only event of its kind with Mary – and its so much fun we do it every year!!
Contact Anne for emailable brochure with all details. Group discounts available for 4 or more signing up together.
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