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Hossmoor has all the amenities an equestrian could want on 138 acres in the beautiful Briones valley with a few miles of bridle paths and a conditioning trail up to the ridge over tooking the barns.
Boarders enjoy the 250' X 150' covered arena, three outdoor arenas, an indoor round pen, an outdoor round pen, EuroXiser free-flow exerciser, four diverse barns offering a variety of pricing. Spaciousness means 20 turnouts and free trailer parking.
We're home to diverse breeds and disciplines. Trail and endurance riders share the bridle path with dressage, cross country riders, and member of the Dryll Team. You might see someone practicing la Garocha or canter pirouettes, or enjoying a sunset from the ridge trail.
Instructors in most disciplines available on site. Horses are fed three times daily (alfalfa and grass hay available), daily stall cleaning and arena grooming. We offer services including, turnout, EuroXciser, blanketing and medical services.
We're located between Orinda and Pinole and our boarders come from surrounding areas. Our calendar includes clinics and shows as well as activities for boarders only.
We Offer:
Four Arenas
2 round pens, 1 enclosed & lighted
Outdoor uncovered round pen
Free-Flow Exerciser for rehabilitation or conditioning
Four Barns
Bridle path
Several miles of trails on 138 acres
20 Large Turnouts and 2 Sand Rolling Pens