Sale Price / Lease Price
Available for Full or 1/2 lease in North Bay.
Tullamore, "Tully", is a 10 yr old Westphalian Hunter/Jumper. This 16.2h gelding has character with the skill set to take an Intermediate rider into all 3 rings.
Terms negotiable pending agreed upon specifics. I'm a mom who simply stuggles to get in the saddle 5 days a week. Tully thrives in full time work. This will be the ideal arrangement for someone out there with the skillset, but not the horse. My hope is to create a shared arrangement where I maintain the ability to ride/lesson 2-3 days a week. Tullamore currently lives at Mark West Stables, Santa Rosa.
Share the dream with me!!!
Erin 707-291-5454
5938 Monte Verde Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95409, USA