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Mustang Horse Lifespan: Guide and Care

Mustang Horse Lifespan

Wild, tough, and free. That’s the Mustang horse, a symbol of raw American spirit. 

These horses have roamed the plains for centuries, surviving harsh weather, predators, and rough terrain. 

But how long do they live? Does life in the wild cut their years short? Or can a Mustang thrive for decades in a loving home? 

In this blog, we’ll explore the average lifespan of mustangs, what affects how long they live, and how you can help one live a longer, healthier life. 

Let’s dive into the world of this rugged, iconic horse.

What is the Average Mustang Horse Lifespan?

Mustang horses live 15–20 years in the wild and 25–30 years in captivity. Their lifespan depends on diet, healthcare, and environment. Domesticated mustangs live longer with proper care, regular vet visits, and a safe home. Wild mustangs face harsh conditions that can shorten their lives.

What is a Mustang Horse?

A Mustang is a free-roaming horse found mainly in the western United States. These horses are descendants of once-domesticated horses brought to the Americas by Spanish explorers. 

Over time, they adapted to life in the wild, becoming tough, fast, and highly intelligent. While they are often called “wild,” mustangs are feral. 

Mustangs live in herds and are managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). They are hardy, sure-footed, and strong survivors, making them a true symbol of the untamed West.

History and Origin of the Mustang Horse

The story of the Mustang begins with Spanish explorers in the 1500s. When they came to the Americas, they brought horses with them, mostly Andalusians, Barbs, and other sturdy breeds. 

Some of these horses escaped or were released and began to breed in the wild. Over generations, their descendants became the mustangs we know today.

As these horses spread across the American West, they adapted to the land. Harsh deserts, rocky mountains, and open plains shaped them into strong, hardy animals. 

Native American tribes began capturing and taming mustangs, using them for hunting, travel, and war.

By the 1800s, mustangs were everywhere, and millions roamed free. But with westward expansion, their numbers started to drop. 

Settlers claimed land, ranchers saw them as competition for grazing, and many were captured or killed.

Today, most wild mustangs are managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Though their numbers are smaller, their legacy lives on. 

The Mustang remains a powerful symbol of freedom, strength, and the untamed spirit of the American West.

Mustang Horse Lifespan

Mustang Horse Lifespan

Mustangs are hardy horses that live in both wild and domesticated environments. Their lifespan depends heavily on the conditions they live in.

Wild mustangs usually live 15 to 20 years. They roam open land, search for food, and deal with harsh weather. Injuries and illness often go untreated, which can shorten their lives.

Domesticated mustangs live 25 to 30 years or more. They receive regular care, good food, and protection from danger. With proper attention, they enjoy longer and healthier lives.

The lifespan gap shows how much environment and care matter in a Mustang’s life.

Related read: What is the Average Lifespan of a Gypsy Horse?

Factors That Affect Mustang Lifespan

Several factors play a role in how long a Mustang lives. Here’s a look at the most important ones:

Living conditions

Where a Mustang lives has a direct impact on how long it survives. 

In the wild, they face drought, freezing winters, and rough terrain. These harsh conditions increase stress on the body and wear it down faster. 

Injuries from fights, accidents, or predators often go untreated, which can lead to infection or early death. 

In contrast, a domesticated Mustang lives in a controlled environment with food, water, and shelter. 

Less physical stress and lower risk of injury or starvation help them live longer, healthier lives.

Healthcare access

Lack of medical care in the wild is one of the biggest threats to a Mustang’s lifespan. A small wound can become fatal if it gets infected. 

Internal parasites, dental issues, or diseases may go unnoticed and untreated. In captivity, Mustangs receive vaccines, parasite control, dental checkups, and treatment for illnesses. 

This reduces the risk of life-shortening conditions and increases their chances of reaching old age.


Mustangs in the wild eat whatever they can find. In poor grazing areas, they may not get enough nutrients, especially during winter or drought. 

Malnutrition weakens their immune system, slows growth, and makes them more vulnerable to disease and injury. Domesticated mustangs eat planned diets rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins. 

Proper nutrition supports strong bones, a healthy coat, better digestion, and a longer life overall.

Exercise and space

Wild mustangs cover long distances every day.

This natural movement keeps their joints flexible, their muscles strong, and their metabolism balanced. However, constant travel in rough terrain can also wear down their hooves and joints over time. 

In captivity, if they don’t get enough exercise, they may develop obesity, stiffness, or behavioral problems. 

But with proper turnout space and regular movement, their bodies stay in good condition without the wear-and-tear of wild roaming, thus supporting a longer, healthier life.


Mustangs come from centuries of natural selection. Only the strongest survived and passed on their traits. 

This gives them a solid genetic base and strong immune systems. However, genetics isn’t everything. 

Even the hardiest horse can suffer if it’s starved, neglected, or injured. Good care maximizes their genetic potential and extends their lifespan.

How to Help a Domesticated Mustang Live Longer

Taking care of a Mustang isn’t just about food and shelter. It’s about creating the right conditions for a long, healthy life. 

Here’s how you can help your Mustang reach its full lifespan potential:

Provide a balanced diet

Make sure your Mustang gets enough forage, like hay or pasture grass. Supplement with minerals and vitamins if needed. 

Avoid overfeeding grains. Mustangs are built for rough forage, not rich feeds. 

A proper diet keeps their weight in check and supports overall health.

Ensure regular veterinary care

Schedule routine checkups with a vet. Keep vaccinations up to date and deworm regularly. 

Dental care is also important. Sharp teeth can cause pain and prevent proper eating. 

Early detection of problems can prevent life-threatening issues later on.

Keep them active

Mustangs are used to moving all day in the wild. In captivity, they still need space to roam and regular exercise. 

Turnouts, trail rides, or pasture time help keep their joints flexible, muscles strong, and minds sharp.

Offer mental stimulation

Boredom can lead to stress and bad habits. To keep your Mustang engaged, use toys, obstacle courses, or varied routines. 

Social time with other horses also helps.

Maintain hoof care

Strong hooves are vital. Schedule regular trims with a farrier, typically every 6 to 8 weeks. Healthy hooves prevent pain, infections, and joint strain.

Create a safe environment

Avoid overcrowded pastures, unsafe fencing, or poor shelter. Your Mustang should have a clean, dry place to rest and shade from the sun or protection from wind and rain.

Know their behavior

Mustangs often hide pain or discomfort. Learn their normal habits so you can spot any changes early.

Mustang Horse Lifespan

The 5 Stages of a Wild Mustang’s Life Cycle

Understanding the life cycle of a wild Mustang helps you see how they grow, develop, and survive in the wild. Each stage plays a role in shaping the tough, independent horse they become.

The stages are:

Foal (Birth to 6 months)

A foal is a newborn Mustang. It’s born after about 11 months of pregnancy and can stand and walk within hours. 

Foals nurse from their mothers and stay close for warmth, protection, and safety. During this stage, they begin to learn basic social skills by watching the herd and mimicking behavior.

Weanling (6 to 12 months)

Around 6 months old, the foal starts eating more grass and less milk. This is the weanling stage. 

It’s a period of adjustment as the young horse becomes more independent. It still stays with the herd, learning how to interact and survive in the wild. 

It’s also a time of rapid growth and development.

Yearling (12 to 24 months)

By the time the Mustang reaches one year old, it’s considered a yearling. These horses are more confident but still immature. 

They continue developing physically and emotionally, practicing their place in the herd by playing, sparring, and observing adult horses. 

They aren’t yet ready to breed or lead but are starting to find their role.

Adolescent (2 to 4 years)

During this stage, the Mustang experiences a surge in maturity. Young stallions may begin challenging older ones, and fillies become sexually mature. 

This is a tricky phase. Some may leave the herd or get pushed out to form or join new groups. 

Physical strength increases, and instincts for leadership or survival sharpen.

Adult (4+ Years)

At around four years old, a Mustang is fully mature. Stallions may start leading a band of mares, while mares may have their first foals.

Adults take on full responsibility for survival, territory, and reproduction. If they stay healthy and avoid injury, they may live another 10 to 15 years in the wild.

Signs of Aging in Mustangs

As Mustangs grow older, their bodies and behavior start to change. These changes may be gradual, but they’re important to notice. 

Spotting the early signs of aging can help you adjust their care and keep them comfortable as they slow down. 

Here are the most common signs to watch for as your Mustang enters its senior years.

Worn or loose teeth

Older mustangs often have worn-down or missing teeth. This can make chewing difficult, leading to weight loss or trouble eating hay and grass. 

You may notice more undigested food in their manure.

Weight loss or muscle shrinkage

Even with a good diet, aging mustangs may lose weight or muscle mass, especially around the topline (back and hips).

Their bodies just don’t absorb nutrients as well as before.

Stiffness and joint pain

Arthritis and joint stiffness are common in older mustangs. You might see them moving more slowly, hesitating to run, or seeming stiff after standing still.

Greying hair and coat changes

Their coat may lose its shine, become rougher, or develop grey or white hairs, especially around the face, eyes, and muzzle.

Sunken eyes or drooping back

As muscles weaken, their backs may sag, and their eyes may look more sunken or tired. This gives them a distinct “aged” look.

Slower recovery times

Older mustangs take longer to bounce back from illness, injury, or stress. Their immune systems aren’t as strong, so they need extra support.

Changes in behavior

You may notice them becoming more calm, less playful, or choosing to stay away from younger herd members. 

Some may also show signs of confusion or restlessness if cognitive decline sets in.

Famous Long-Living Mustangs

These wild horses lived far longer than most, standing out for their strength, spirit, and the stories they left behind. 


Perhaps the most famous wild mustang, Picasso lived in the Sand Wash Basin of Colorado

Recognized by his striking markings and warrior-like scars, he was known to roam the area for over 20 years. 

Though never captured, he was observed well into his 30s, a remarkable age for a wild horse. He became a symbol of freedom and resilience.


Cloud was a pale palomino stallion born in Montana’s Pryor Mountains. He was documented by filmmaker Ginger Kathrens in a PBS documentary series. 

Cloud lived into his 20s and led his herd for many years. His story gave the public a deeper understanding of wild mustangs and their struggle to survive.

Mesteño (Spirit of the Steens)

Mesteño was a wild Kiger Mustang from Oregon’s Steens Mountain. Like Picasso, he was never captured but became well-known through photography. 

He lived in the wild for decades and was admired for his beauty and strength.


How much does a Mustang horse cost?

A Mustang horse can cost as little as $125 through adoption programs like those from the BLM. Trained mustangs, depending on age, training, and temperament, may cost $1,000 or more.

Mustang Vs Bronco horse

A Mustang is a free-roaming horse descended from Spanish horses. A Bronco isn’t a specific breed. It’s a term used for wild or untamed horses, often in rodeos. Mustangs can be called broncos, but not all broncos are mustangs.


Mustangs are tough, smart, and full of spirit. Their lifespan depends on how and where they live. 

Wild mustangs face many risks that can shorten their lives. Domesticated ones, with good care, can live much longer. 

Knowing their life stages and what they need helps them stay healthy for years. Whether running free or living with humans, mustangs deserve respect and proper care. 

Their strong hearts and wild roots make them special. With love and attention, your Mustang can live a full, happy life.

Picture of Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq, a seasoned veterinarian with a DVM from ARID University and an MPhil in Animal Nutrition from UVAS, specializes in equine health. His deep passion for horse nutrition and well-being drives his work, offering invaluable advice for horse owners. Dr. Tariq's expertise ensures horses lead vibrant, healthy lives.
You can read my full bio here
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Mustang Horse Lifespan: Guide and Care