Horse's Name
Foxy, Friday, Emmett
Foxy, Friday, Emmett
We have a 2007 white, Irish Draught Sport Horse mare, a 20 year old gelding and a 16 year old mustang. They have been out to pasture for several years but all hve a fair amount of basic training on them(Foxy, our IDSH, has had quite a bit of jumping experience and been to several 'A' rated shows and I sed her to teach eventing lessons on. That said, they have varying levels of ride-ability. Our youngest is a BLM Mustang who is a beautiful buckskin, our gelding is a running quarter chestnut with one white sock and a big white blaze. They are very social, easy to shoe, worm and vaccinate. I have a health issue that no longer allows me to ride and my daughters are done with/off at college. I'd like to find a mutually beneficial situation. Cost is negotiable to the right home, which is the only kind I will consider. Please contact me via e-mail.
4195 Sierra Rd, San Jose, CA 95132, USA